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Updated: Oct 28, 2022

The first dandelions have popped their sunny yellow faces up in the Garden. And these little babies are packed full of information :)

Okay let's get into it. To open the session I invite you to recite the following on your own or read along below.


Calling in Mother Earth and Grandmothers Wisdom, as well as the true elementals in their purest forms to help support, guide, assist and help in allowing the pure essence of the DANDELION to come through now in its truest & greatest form. To allow us to learn and clear, walking and sitting with her and in turn allowing her to be free from potential constraints she herself may be under. Together we ask for forgiveness and love, while we too forgive and love. We are thankful and appreciate all her gifts & teachings with any messages that may come forth for us today.

Primary general intents are:

  • to clear out unnecessary energies within appropriate clearance levels

  • work with the truest and purest forms of energy essence available

Astrological characteristics


Divination, Wishes, Calling Spirits (which I find interesting since it is suggested for bi-polar). ~~~ EDIT: Apply homeopathic principles 'like treats like' here ~~~

dandelion (n.)

well-known plant of the daisy family found in Europe, Asia, and North America, with a tapering, milky root, producing one large, yellow flower, late 14c., a contraction of dent-de-lioun, from Old French dent de lion, literally "lion's tooth" (from its toothed leaves), a translation of Medieval Latin dens leonis. From Latin dens (genitive dentis) "tooth," from PIE root *dent- "tooth" + leonis, genitive of leo "lion"

The sharp pointy leaves are likened to the shape of lion's teeth.

lion (n.)

late 12c., from Old French lion "lion," also figuratively "hero" (12c.), from Latin leonem (nominative leo) "lion; the constellation Leo

Long in the tooth - old, grows with age.


"Plant historians know that dandelions have been an important component of traditional Chinese medicine for at least a thousand years. The plants, believed to be native to the Mediterranean, were well known by ancient Greeks, Romans and Egyptians. Medicinally, dandelion roots and leaves were used as a tonic to remove toxins from the bloodstream, acting as a gentle diuretic to improve the function of the digestive system. Ancient physicians didn’t know much about nutrition and vitamin deficiencies, but they realized that dandelions helped with a host of problems, including kidney, stomach and liver disorders, skin irritations, heartburn, gall bladder problems, diabetes, arthritis, anemia, constipation, toothaches, fevers, survey, and even warts and dandruff. The benefits aren’t surprising, and modern herbalists now understand that growing dandelions are rich in Vitamins C, E and A, as well as calcium, potassium, zinc and iron."

From Plant Spirit Healing:

'Dandelion is a survivor helping you to persevere against all odds'.

For my personal current stage of growth this is comforting!

I was pleasantly surprised to see dandelion flowering today, I had thought it was a type of rocket I had planted at the start of winter! (Miss 2 had playfully taken out all my seed tags so we've had a lucky dip kind of winter season haha). Given some events of the last few weeks and some coming up I'm intrigued and grateful that she has shown her colourful support now. It really does amaze me and I am honoured to feel this connection with these beauties.

Moving out of my personal field and
over to the collective:

Taraxacum is a large genus of more than 500 species of herbaceous perennials in the Asteraceae family, native to Eurasia. The genus name comes from the Greek words “taraxos”, which means “disorder” and “akos”, meaning “remedy”.

From the

Dandelion generally symbolizes happiness, joy and youthful thoughts, but can also symbolize health, power, perseverance, endurance and determination. It’s also said to represent the sun’s power, good wishes, hope and prosperity. More specifically, the yellow flowers resemble the sun, the white seeds resemble the moon and the dispersing seeds resemble the stars. In the text below we are going to talk about each of these meanings. Dandelions represent the power of the rising sun and the ability to rise above life’s challenges. Their petals remind the rays of the sun as a source of life and warmth. The bright yellow flowers shine like the sun and warm our heart.

Since we are coming into Leo (in actual today astrology, look up at the sky and have a look for yourself, at least it looks like that in my Sky Country) it's interesting it we taken the french words quite literally. Dent The Lion. So what's that about? The Lion symbology has many links in and to many a night side and associations throughout time.

First day in Leo according to how I see it in Sky Country above.

I think that's about it for now. It's getting close to my bedtime and I've decided to make a spagyric with the flowers and or roots either in combo or seperate so I'll post about that then or perhaps even a series of the process on You Tube.

King Heart Through Chaos Activation

in Closing the session

Stabilise energies and release all cords. Cleanse your tools.

As we close off we request the graceful stillness of the might gum -

That she teach us how to ground our roots deeply and firmly-

That she show us how to stand tall with strong & clear foundations through our core being-

That our branches continue to stretch & grow in blissful focused expansion reaching for the stars-

That her leaves provide through nourishing green nature energy and, resting shade from the storms.

THANK YOU for being here.

Keep planting new seeds until your mind becomes the earth that gives birth to new worlds.”

— Curtis Tyrone Jones

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A Progressive Wellbeing Initiative

Living, with Alana

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