Drosera burmannii, Burmese SUNDEW
Silica quartz stones also presented when returning to collect two sundews to work with.
I LOVE THESE COOL LITTLE DEWS! For a combination of reasons of which I'll explain some below. and so pretty too.
Okay let's get into it. To open the session I invite you to recite the following on your own or read along below.
Calling in Mother Earth and Grandmothers Wisdom, as well as the true elementals in their purest forms to help support, guide, assist and help in allowing the pure essence of this plant to come through now in its truest & greatest form. To allow us to learn and clear, walking and sitting with her and in turn allowing her to be free from potential constraints she herself may be under. Together we ask for forgiveness and love, while we too forgive and love. We are thankful and appreciate all her gifts & teachings with any messages that may come forth for us today.
Primary general intents are:
to clear out unnecessary energies within appropriate clearance levels
work with the truest and purest forms of energy essence available
>>>in frequency flow healing hints&tips are in-text like this<<<
medicinal use evidence
Quinones - antiVIRAL. Respiratory treatments inc asthma, cough, ulcers
Antioxidant extract - alleviates iron-induced oxidative stress
From the paper's abstract above:
"Free iron typically leads to the formation of excess free radicals, and additional iron deposition in the liver contributes to the oxidative pathologic processes of liver disease.... A substantial iron chelation and supercoiled DNA protection were observed. DBME (D.burmannii) also displayed excellent in vivo hepatoprotective activity in iron-overloaded Swiss albino mice.... Administration of DBME significantly normalized serum enzyme levels and restored liver antioxidant enzymes levels. DBME lowered the raised levels of liver damage parameters, also reflected from the morphological analysis of the liver sections. DBME also reduced liver iron content.... analysis of DBME revealed the presence of purpurin, catechin, tannic acid, reserpine, methyl gallate and rutin. Purpurin, tannic acid, methyl gallate and rutin displayed excellent iron chelation ... while DBME found to be non-toxic to the normal cells. These findings suggest that the constituents present in DBME contributed to its iron chelation activity... "
"Drosera burmannii Vahl. (family Droseraceae) is an acaulescent insectivorous herb commonly known as sundew that belongs to one of the largest genera of carnivorous plants, with over 105 species. This herb is distributed throughout the Indian subcontinent as well as China, Australia and West Africa."
"- Pulsar waves of light upgrades coming online in new functions. With spleen are upgrading the bloodstream, related to spiritualised blood chemistry through changing structure of plasma.
-Wounds cleansing from blood diseases and related issues removing blockages. Heart blood circulatory and cleansing organs such as liver, spleen kidney need extra care.
Iron Age Celts/Druids, Gauls.
Planetary Iron Core. Magnetic tone shifts in iron core generate a tremendous amount of energy and heat transfer. Some DNA templates undergoing significant changes are interconnected with magnetic shifts occurring within the iron core and magnetosphere influencing the magnetic balance within the body generating physical upgrades including recalibration of neurology during sleep state.
RBCs contain hemoglobin which is a protein built on a core of four iron atoms that have functions related to the state of the iron core and magnetism of the earth. Leading to energy production to power bodily functions.
Liver is one of the primary elimination channels ie. detoxification. (supported by... DANDELION! See other news post). Liver is the factory, metabolises, filters, converts. stores vitamins, sugars, fats etc. builds beneficial chemicals and breaks down harmful. removes waste.
Gallbladder meridian - keep healthy to eliminate astral creatures and field.
Piscean Age.
Liver 3d can be an energy that is represented Ancestral karma - processing generational karmic miasma and bloodline issues (along with gallbladder 4d aquarian judgement). This concept is closing down. Possible to pull out blocked energy with hands. see Orion healing codes and remnants of orion wars in Thyme decode news post. Don't give those lords of karma toooooo much entertainment, though. Do ya thang and get outta there.
Virgo organs - abdominal region, intestines, lower lobe of liver, spleen, duodenum, thymus gland secretions (see thymus news update post), peristalsis of bowels, pancreas. "
From ascensionglossary.
Continuous detoxification and purification of internal energies, refinement and spirit in relationship to our body.
Morphogenetic field
links into thymus and thalamus news, with respiratory and liver now pulling in.
From wikipedia and online dictionaries.
From the genus name, from Ancient Greekμορφώ(morphṓ, “the Shapely One”) (a name of Aphrodite).
morpho: first-person singular present indicative of morphare
morphare: (transitive, computing) to morph (transform an image by computer)
This article is about the concept in developmental biology. For Sheldrake's concept of morphic fields, see Rupert Sheldrake. {side note - sitting on my bookshelf next to me Merlin Sheldrake's book Entangled Life'} A. G. Gurwitsch analysed the embryonic development of the sea urchin as a vector-field, as if the proliferation of cells into organs were brought about by putative external forces. In the developmental biology of the early twentieth century,
a morphogenetic field is a group of cells able to respond to discrete, localised biochemical signals leading to the development of specific morphological structures or organs.
The spatial and temporal extents of the embryonic field are dynamic, and within the field is a collection of interacting cells out of which a particular organ is formed. As a group, the cells within a given morphogenetic field are constrained: thus, cells in a limb field will become a limb tissue, those in a cardiac field will become heart tissue. However, specific cellular programming of individual cells in a field is flexible: an individual cell in a cardiac field can be redirected via cell-to-cell signalling to replace specific damaged or missing cells. Imaginal discs in insect larvae are examples of morphogenetic fields."
morpho- before vowels morph-, word-forming element of Greek origin meaning "form, shape," from Greek morphē "form, shape; beauty, outward appearance," a word of uncertain etymology.
Entries linking to morpho- morphodite (n.) 1839, colloquial mangling of hermaphrodite based on morpho-. An earlier mangling was mophrodite (1706); also see dyke. morphogenesis (n.) 1863 in biology, "the production of the form or shape of an organism," from German (by 1844); see morpho- "form" + -genesis "birth, origin, creation." By 1958 in geology, "the formation of landscapes." Related: Morphogenetic.
"Dike was the goddess of justice and moral order in Greek mythology. She was the daughter of Zeus and Themis. Although both Dike and Themis were considered personifications of justice, Dike represented more the justice based on socially enforced norms and conventional rules, human justice, while Themis was the representation of divine justice. She was considered to be a young woman holding a balance scale; her Roman counterpart was depicted in the same way but also blindfolded. Along with Eunomia and Eirene, Dike belonged to the second-generation Horae, goddesses of the seasons and the natural portions of time. She was represented in the sky by the constellation Virgo; according to an account concerning the origins of the constellation, Dike lived on the earth during the first two Ages of Man, the Golden and the Silver ages. During that period, men lived in peace with each other, grew crops and there was no disease. However, men became greedy and Dike, enraged, decided to go to the sky. That's when mankind went into the bronze age."
The Pest Controller
"see trapped aphids which appear in spring... like to think of this plant as the ultimate organic pest controller in my plant collection! Like all Sundews this plant is characterized by having round, sticky droplets of mucilage on stalks which cover the leaves. The ‘nectar’ covered leaves attract, trap and eventually digest insects."
Some more evidence
A study linked below from the journal of Cell Death Discovery and;
A VERY basic overview of keywords:
G2-M checkpoint: step in cell cycle that ensures organisms don't replicate until DNA repaired sufficiently (thus damage is not replicated, too).
MCF-7 = cancer cells
Bax/Bcl-2: proteins that regulate cell death by monitoring sensitivity
This is pretty significant stuff here okay...
Different to CELLULAR SENESCENCE where
"cells can no longer divide. In older people, the senescence cells (also called zombie cells) add to excess inflammation and even tumor formation. The programming in this video (Energetic/Morphic fields) will work towards inducing apoptosis in those cells"
so like a residual or dead energy, still consuming spacetime but not contributing or generating new energy.
Listen at your own discernment. I felt some release out of my right underthigh when listening and haven't yet been 'turned off' by the frequency of this channels offerings.
in Closing the session
Stabilise energies and release all cords. Cleanse your tools.
As we close off we request the graceful stillness of the might gum -
That she teach us how to ground our roots deeply and firmly-
That she show us how to stand tall with strong & clear foundations through our core being-
That our branches continue to stretch & grow in blissful focused expansion reaching for the stars-
That her leaves provide through nourishing green nature energy and, resting shade from the storms.