A look at the Sanskrit language, culture, lifestyle through the Plant Biochemical Phytological Ethnobotanical lens.
Sanskrit (/ˈsænskrɪt/; attributively संस्कृत-, saṃskṛta-; nominally संस्कृतम्, saṃskṛtam, IPA: [ˈsɐ̃skr̩tɐm]) is a classical language belonging to the Indo-Aryan branch of the Indo-European languages. It arose in South Asia after its predecessor languages had diffused there from the northwest in the late Bronze Age.
- originating as Vedic Sanskrit as early as 1700-1200 BCE.
- Sanskrit, meaning 'perfected' or 'refined'
I've been pulled towards Sanskrit for about a year now with a 'Learn Sanskrit' course popping up irregularly into my email. With further nudge prompt inspiration from a teacher who explained a whole interpretation of their take on Buddhism, I am leaning into this as described above. Making for my own interpretation, download, transmission, knowledge, wisdom access etc whichever way you would like to describe it. So, another series begins for unlocking and unfolding. Decoding and sharing. Puzzle pieces. Thank you for reading/listening if you got here :)
As well, the ancient languages have always attracted some attention, due to their symbolic presentation. The further back we continue we go with clearing and establishing organic and pure templating being laid down, back back back to original thought to then rebuild on true strong impenetrable foundations.
Where am I going to go with this?
I'm not too sure yet! This is the idea as explained above, and I'll go from here and see what the stream of consciousness presents and allows to be seeded in. I have started basic ayurvedic gardening/nutrition courses. I love adaptogenics and have been working with various forms of tulsi for over a year now - particular Krishna Tulsi, Rama Tulsi and Vana Tulsi
Other sources include - @psychdelicdharma on instagram, she is great, based in India and we've been planning a get together for sometime -this may be the one lol. Sajah Popham who I mention often - his knowledge and recall with the doshas and anything ayurvedic plants is awesome, love his wisdom. I'm going to actually finish the course Ayurvedic Herbalism I started! And showing some of my character here and I don't need to go into deeper levels now but for me it is a fine line between absorbing info and disciplined 'finishing' on this plane level, anyway the certificate will be nice for my collection and those sensitives reading this may notice my cynacism - anyway for my human brain let's swallow my egopride and bridge it. Lol and see what comes from that. From a nutrition level (therefore plants) this may be extremely useful rn, too. And anyone else along the way, who I can access and what I can read or 'see' energetically.
Why am i doing this?
I do not doubt it fits onto my Purification path. With the broad overview for clearing and exposing my true pure essence. India has been calling for a while, too so it definitely seems like it's time to bring these up - and given Kali and Nerriti are strong here we should have some fun with this. And of course, to learn grow and develop - on a topic I absolutely *think* I know nothing about. So let's jump into Sanskrit, through Pharmacist Homeopath Plant lens.
{{{update: wow already I'm getting release from my left ankle/shin and left chest ribcage, just in choosing a picture and looking at the oh, symbol. I'll no doubt get into the ohm distortions in a future post, and since it links to the Cosmic Divine Essence - paraphrased - and the lotus. These symbols ARE MASSIVE in today's world and actually ancient history}}}
So, looks like we have Lotus first up in the next post. Some more introductory background below.
Etymology Ayurveda
Dhanvantari is the Hindu god of medicine and an avatar of Lord Vishnu. He is mentioned in the Puranas as the god of Ayurveda. With Vishnu being one of the, I guess levels under G.O.D. or Generator Operator Destroyer, thus it could be extrapolated another future ancestor. So I'm not going to get too much into that and bringing back to the intro material.
Other topics to explore through the plants lens, so looks like with the anchor of ayurvedia given we are looking through the plants so that makes sense. No doubt sanskrit underpins it and my outsider-looking-in means that I have a fair bit of not-first-language work to do so okay enough and lets go.
- Understanding Purusha and Prakriti (very similar to Ashyana Deanes Partiki units, one of the six primal units and relates to human sciences I believe neutrons but may be incorrect as I can't see my notes rn and I'm somewhere else, it's either neutron, electron, proton, with the other two being partika and particum).
Partiki units group by like polarization, electrical Partika to Partika, magnetic Particum to Particum, forming strings of energy units called Partiki Strands, Partiki Strands group with other such strands to form geometrical "fabrics" or grids of electro-tonal, electromagnetic energy that serve as a template of light spectra and sound tones upon which particle and anti-particle structure forms called Partiki Grids and they form the Unified Field of living energy substance through which all things in the cosmos are energetically connected. LINK
Partiki are organized via scalar grids with vibrational causality known as Keylon Codes. Partiki particles phase in and out of Particum matter particles and Partika anti-particles within a Universe and Parallel Universe via the electro-tonal sound/vibration of the Keylon Codes. LINK
- Three Gunas
- Dhatus, Ojas and Prana
- Five Elements in People & Herbs
- Tridosha (vata, pitta, kapha) and in Herbs
- Agni and Ama
- Srotas and the Bodily Systems {{{ will be interesting to see how these interconnect with the Elements Exposed series}}}
- (and I am ALL ABOUT THIS) Detoxification
Oh - because I saw the word amrita - which is another species of Tulsi I have in the garden.
The Bala Kanda of the Ramayana and Bhagavata Purana state that Dhanvantari emerged from the Ocean of Milk and appeared with the pot of amrita (elixir of immortality) during the Samudra Mathana, whilst the ocean was being churned by the devas and the asuras, using the Mandara mountain and the serpent Vasuki. The pot of amrita was snatched by the asuras, and after this event, Vishnu's avatar, Mohini, appears and takes the nectar back from the asuras. It is also believed that Dhanvantari promulgated the practice of Ayurveda. Of special mention here is the treatise of Dhanvantari-Nighantu, which completely elucidates Dhanvantari's medicinal plants.
Reading into this mythology it is easy to get lost in the mysticism. Beware! though lol. Obsever status is ACTIVATED! But also a lot of release occuring which I'm extremely grateful for moving through, without the need for detail as I'm moving quite quick and exploring each and every detail will slow me down for now and cause resistance. Anything that repeat cycles can be deeper explored to release. I'm also in 'two minds' wrt to sharing images of the deities. Ok again, coming back to centre with the plants :)
a concept, as opposed to a species of Tulsi. Or both?
Amrita is composed of the negative prefix, अ a from Sanskrit meaning 'not', and mṛtyu meaning 'death' in Sanskrit, thus meaning 'not death' or 'immortal/deathless'.
The concept of an immortality drink is attested in at least two ancient Indo-European languages: Ancient Greek and Sanskrit.
The Greek ἀμβροσία (ambrosia) is semantically linked to the Sanskrit अमृत (amṛta) as both words denote a drink or food that gods use to achieve immortality. The two words appear to be derived from the same Indo-European form *ṇ-mṛ-tós, "un-dying" (n-: negative prefix from which the prefix a- in both Greek and Sanskrit are derived;
mṛ: zero grade of *mer-, "to die"; and -to-: adjectival suffix).
A semantically similar etymology exists for Greek nectar, the beverage of the gods (Greek: νέκταρ néktar) presumed to be a compound of the PIE roots *nek-, "death", and -*tar, "overcoming".
There is so much to unpack here, so let's leave it here and keep going with each of the plants, TRYING to stay focused on sanskrit language - interesting though to see where the stream of consciousness goes, with the typical mum home life interruptions :)
SHOP PLUG: I've put some Krishna Tulsi seeds up in the shop. When I started typing this earlier I realised I have thousands from harvesting earlier this year. They a $4.44 for a few hundred - mabe over 400 - if you note the pic there's 4 or 5 in each kernel, come in a small vial and a few bucks postage domestically.