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Lean Thinking, concept

The Writing's on the Wall is so-called due to a new practicality we've implemented into our household management of tasks & jobs. Project management for daily living basically. Oh wait, let me slip harmonious in there. Project management for harmonious & balanced daily living, for all.

In reforming, yet again my foremost pondering led me to 'what can I offer' & 'is there even anything I can offer'! I'm not going behind the shadow, ego and the rest of what some may perceive behind those statements - have fun with that if it comes up for you ;-).

My reason for mentioning is simply to state how I arrived here, at this new state of blogging.

In analysing what I've been enjoying over the last year, what I've been working on and towards, current resources, family and self-balance for sure some level of blogging, sharing and online community involvement is in the foreground. There are many reasons why, and I've explored many reasons why not as well as being able to clear out, a lot, too. Now to offer more in the current 'outlook-on-life' I currently sit in, appears to be the self-expression, and perhaps my most honest and most refined, yet. Until the next one :P

And perhaps that is a sharing in itself. That this is a life-long journey, well I choose it to be anyway. With noticing potential for cortisol rising, and the simple joy of energy expression in a somewhat ordered way through this gift of social media, presents to itself - a niche, just in that. I'm referring to the amount of AI-generated content out there, for convenience yes I'm sure, but is anyone actually writing their own stuff anymore? (huge generalisation yes, but now that I've mentioned it, go play around with some of the software, I have been, and it's super easy to tap into the frequency, or lack of lustre about it' and see what else reflects it. All of a sudden there are many many MANY pages that lose a whole chunk of desire to read. And why should they be able to harness any of your energy, for the lack of what they are sharing with you? Hardly the exchange. Woopsy, here we are at a bit of an AI attack! Actually not accurate, attack on the beings using it! For whatever reasons they may be. I for one advocate for exposure and authenticity. It's getting super easy to pick, now. Anyway let's leave that alone. Back to The Wall.

The Wall Advantages:

In addition to The Wall for project management planning and brainstorming, daily, weekly, monthly, seasonal and yearly cycle management has been incorporated too. Reviewed DAILY. This is great for keeping the harmonic frequencies between at least the adults, and has taken a tonne of pressure off me; and while I did not force anything, simply gently using a system I had been working on for a few months now, to some level of success with the other variables not at fault of the system. Incorporation of all beings somewhat adhering to this harmonious working with the cycles (which we were to an extent, anyway, though now it is more structured, anticipated and has a team/group mentality about it). Like Mum says, a problem shared is a problem halved.


Discipline! Which isn't too hard based on the the location we have put it in. We all literally walk past it 20-30 times a day or more. First and last thing we see thus the reminders to check and see where we are all up to is, again literally right in front of our faces and slipped into everyday life somewhat seamlessly. The amusing thing is, the system is running itself but just being there. Well it is in the enviroment so to streamline between beings, environment and everything else participating in our local and larger realities feels smoother. This doesn't mean it's all easy! The workload we have given ourselves is large and exponentially increases. But, an advantage, is that it has freed up a lot of mind and physical clutter, categorised and positively compartmentalised tasks into time frames, materials required, seasonal considerations, priority and otherwise.

Another addition has been the self-validation of crossing off tasks and keeping track of just how much work does get done here, which can easily be forgotten, celebrating the tiniest of wins and steps, in the progression direction. And for sure this should be celebrated! Then keep moving ;P

So just to make friends with my AI botbot here:

write an intro to the lean thinking family harmony the writing is on the wall Welcome to the Lean Thinking family! In this family, we strive for harmony and balance in all that we do. We believe that the writing is on the wall and that we have the power to create positive and lasting change in our lives and in our world. Through our commitment to continuous improvement and our dedication to living with intention, we can create a life of joy and abundance. We invite you to join us on this journey and to experience the beauty of living a life of harmony and balance.

What is lean thinking Lean thinking is a business strategy and methodology that focuses on eliminating waste and improving efficiency in order to make organizations more successful. It is based on the idea that by streamlining processes, reducing complexity, and focusing on customer value, organizations can increase their efficiency and reduce costs. Lean thinking also encourages organizations to focus on continuous improvement and continual learning in order to stay competitive in the marketplace.

Copy paste from wikipedia:

Lean thinking is a management framework made up of a philosophy, practices and principles which aim to help practitioners improve efficiency and the quality of work. Lean thinking encourages whole organisation participation. The goal is to organise human activities to deliver more benefits to society and value to individuals while eliminating waste.

Lean thinking was a concept introduced to me in a chronic pain management public hospital team I spent a university summer and masters project participating in. This team has a 2+years backlog for triaging patients so brought in these consultants, also government employees- ironically - to help streamline their process and reduce wait times. Interestingly, also from wiki: "The term "lean thinking" was coined by mechanical engineer and MIT graduate student John Krafcik in 1988, who subsequently went on to run Google LLC's autonomous driving unit for many years.....Lean thinking was born out of studying the rise of Toyota Motor Company from a bankrupt Japanese automaker in the early 1950s to today's dominant global player.[3] At every stage of its expansion, Toyota remained a puzzle by capturing new markets with products deemed relatively unattractive and with systematically lower costs while not following any of the usual management dictates. In studying the company firsthand it appeared that it had a unique group of elders (sensei) and coordinators (trainers from Japan) dedicated to help managers think differently. Contrarily to every other large company, Toyota's training in its formative years was focused on developing people's reasoning abilities rather than pushing them to execute specialist-derived systems."

And note the ambiguity in just that small article above that can't even get the origin of the term conclusive, although possibly they are both 'right'. I'm moving out of the paradox as much as I can, the pull is not ideal for my everyday!

Keep planting new seeds until your mind becomes the earth that gives birth to new worlds.”

— Curtis Tyrone Jones

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A Progressive Wellbeing Initiative

Living, with Alana

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