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Updated: Feb 16, 2023

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liver (n.1) secreting organ of the body, Old English lifer, from Proto-Germanic *librn (source also of Old Norse lifr, Old Frisian livere, Middle Dutch levere, Dutch lever, Old High German lebara, German Leber"liver"), perhaps from PIE root *leip- "to stick, adhere," also used to form words for "fat." Formerly believed to be the body's blood-producing organ; in medieval times it rivaled the heart as the supposed seat of love and passion. Hence lily-livered, a white (that is, bloodless) liver being supposed a sign of cowardice, Shakespeare's pigeon-livered, etc. Liver-spots, once thought to be caused by a dysfunction of the organ, is attested from 1730.

liver (n.2) "one who lives (in a particular way)," late 14c., agent noun from live (v.).



  1. (anatomy) liver

  2. the mind, used in context of memory and also conscience

Derived terms: wetliva (“lung”)


All the blood leaving the stomach and intestines passes through the liver. The liver processes this blood and breaks down, balances, and creates the nutrients and also metabolizes drugs into forms that are easier to use for the rest of the body or that are nontoxic.

The liver is a metabolically active organ responsible for many vital life functions. The primary functions of the liver are:

  • Bile production and excretion

  • Excretion of bilirubin, cholesterol, hormones, and drugs

  • Metabolism of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates

  • Enzyme activation

  • Storage of glycogen, vitamins, and minerals

  • Synthesis of plasma proteins, such as albumin, and clotting factors

  • Blood detoxification and purification


The liver consists of 2 main lobes. Both are made up of 8 segments that consist of 1,000 lobules (small lobes). These lobules are connected to small ducts (tubes) that connect with larger ducts to form the common hepatic duct.

The liver consists of four lobes: the larger right lobe and left lobe, and the smaller caudate lobe and quadrate lobe. The left and right lobe are divided by the falciform (“sickle-shaped” in Latin) ligament, which connects the liver to the abdominal wall.










The Third Chakra

“Manipura” translates to a “lustrous gem”. It is symbolized by the color yellow and is located from just above your belly button on your abdomen. It is part of the Fire element and is associated with the liver, adrenal glands, spleen, pancreas, digestive system, gall bladder, and the small intestine.

The third chakra, or solar plexus, is called Manipura, in Sanskrit, and is located between the navel and breastbone. It represents our personal power system and the seat of our ego, strength and anger. Respective organs are the stomach, intestines, gallbladder, liver, pancreas and spleen.


The liver meridian is connected to the eyes, and the visual ability mainly relies on the nourishment of liver blood. Therefore, the eyes can reflect the function of the liver: insufficient liver blood may cause dry eyes and blurred vision; hyperactivity of the liver fire will lead to pain and swelling of the eyes.


In Astrology Jupiter rules over liver and pancreas so it is clear that these organs come under the jurisdiction of the 5thhouse and Jupiter. 9th house is the fifth from 5th house so this house is also responsible for liver disease. The corresponding signs in the zodiac are Leo and Sagittarius these are responsible for this disease. Therefore any affliction to Jupiter in any house of the native kundali (horoscope) the native will suffer from liver related disease. If the affliction occurs in the house of 5th and 9th then disease will take long time.

1. It is a disease of bile disturbance. The bilious planets are Sun and Mars;

2. Seat of this disease is Leo and Virgo, 5th and 6th houses;

3. Liver and pancreas are ruled by Jupiter;

4. When above planets, houses and house lord are afflicted by Malefics by their conjunction,. aspect etc., the bilious a element in the body increases;

5. Cancer of liver is caused due to afflicted 5th house or Jupiter;

6. Leo sign is seat of liver and Jupiter planet is karaka. Sun, Mars govern bile and Moon is ruler of blood. If Leo, 5th house, 5th lord, Jupiter, Sun, Moon and Mars are afflicted it give:; Liver troubles;

7. T. B. ofLiver is caused if Rahu is afflicted by Mars and is connected with 5th house.

theme continued in mythology

Sagitta constellation lies in the northern sky. Its name means “the arrow” in Latin.

Sagitta is one of the Greek constellations. It was first catalogued by the Greek astronomer Ptolemy in the 2nd century. It represents Heracles’ arrow in Greek mythology.

Sagitta is the third smallest constellation in the sky. It has no stars brighter than fourth magnitude and contains few notable deep sky objects. These include the globular cluster Messier 71 (NGC 6838) and the Necklace Nebula, a planetary nebula discovered in 2005.


Prometheus was punished byZeus because he stole fire to give back to mankind. He was chained to a rock in the Caucasus Mountains, and every day an eagle came and ate part of his liver. Each night, his liver would regrow, which meant he had to endure his punishment for eternity.

Who is the god of the liver? Prometheus was bound to a rock, and an eagle—the emblem of Zeus—was sent to eat his liver (in ancient Greece, the liver was thought to be the seat of human emotions). His liver would then grow back overnight, only to be eaten again the next day in an ongoing cycle.



Nourish and support the liver by focusing on the intake of green, chlorophyll-rich foods: kale, parsley, collard greens. Spring is also a great time for a liver detox. Purification or detoxification, can help remove unwanted toxins from your body and encourage a more healthy weight/weight loss.


Dandelion, St Mary's Thistle, Schisandra


Physical presentation. sluggish processing, tired, lethargic low energy as liver using it all to process crap through.

If the Liver-Qi stagnates, the symptoms are hypochondriac distension and pain, pain in the lower abdomen and the lateral sides of the abdomen, irritability, depression, distension and pain in the breasts, and irregular menstruation.

The liver regulates most chemical levels in the blood and excretes a product called bile. This helps carry away waste products from the liver. All the blood leaving the stomach and intestines passes through the liver.


In TCM, the liver is associated with anger, depression: Emotions: Anger, resentment, frustration, irritability, bitterness, and "flying off the handle"

A smooth flow of Qi ensures balanced mental-emotional states. A harmonious liver processes nutrients, dispels chemicals, and synthesizes hormones.

As a zàng, the Liver is considered to be a yin organ. Its associated yang organ is the Gallbladder. Both Liver and Gallbladder are attributed to the Wood element. governs "unclogging and deflation" (Chinese: 疏泄; pinyin: shū-xiè) primarily of qì and emotions.

Consider link to lungs and breathwork.


Parasitic Energies

Virus/viral programs


Other life memories, holographic inserts, false overlay/injected imprints

Other tech

Regressed Genetics

WRT Solar Plexus access point to other paths realms states layers.

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Keep planting new seeds until your mind becomes the earth that gives birth to new worlds.”

— Curtis Tyrone Jones

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Living, with Alana

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