I'm uploading a video I did, something different for me and a practise learning with technical skills etc. As well time-efficiency compared to these posts, life balance etc so anyway- this is a supplement to that with just a few topics dumped from my stream of consciousness, and a few more continuing on from the video tune in.
From the video 28.10.22: carbon life forms, coal>>>fire
In addition:
"Great Balls of Fire" Jerry Lee Lewis passes at 78.
Ring of Fire volcanoes & earthquake eruptions. Check Peru vs Japan 5.9 quakes this past week.
Ring of Fire Mother Initiation
Also Ashyana Deane's work from around 2012 lists each November 8-9th as a firestorm solar activity hitting our planet. It has increased each year. The time frames might or might not have changed now though I do note at this year it is also the close of an eclipse portal we are currently in (today writing this update being 31.10.2022). So we'll see, there's plenty going on nonetheless.
*Not affiliated or sponsored* these look extremely interesting. Carbon gummies and come with quite the reputable background
So on the above C60 note realignment let's get on to focus of Carbon in the Body.
fun facts
Carbon is the second most common element in the body (after oxygen) making up 18% of the body by mass
Ocean plays critical role in carbon storage and holds about 50x more carbon than the atmosphere
Processes that move carbon are photosynthesis, decomposition, respiration and combustion.
Carbon Cycle
- Defined, is the movement of oxygen from the outside environment to the cells within tissues, and the removal of carbon dioxide in the opposite direction. The physiological definition refers to a metabolic process where an organism obtains energy (ATP and NADPH, big in the TCA/Kreb's/Citric Acid cycle) by oxidizing nutrients and releasing waste products. So think about this in terms of the significance of energy production, utilisation and release, regeneration cycles.
- During respiration the carbon hydrogen bonds are broken down by oxidation-reduction so CO2 and H2O are produced. The cellular energy-yielding process is called cellular respiration.
- Types include aquatic, buccal, cutaneous, intestinal, respiratory
The energy production cycle mentioned above has a huge amount of variables in it including amino acid, protein influences both inducing and inhibitory and other chemical process and enzymes in affect of it.
Above is a brief representation of the cycle. I also wanted to mention here the word mitochondria and the fact this organelle has it's on set of DNA unique to itself. I find that extremely interesting when applying to how that syncronises with the human body and other mitochondria.