I'm sitting and working through activation of draco reptilian dormant DNA to then clear out with Ke'oni from Pohala and his lineages series - Mata-Roro. I had done the Arcturus one a few months back (the 2nd one), Draco being the first, Sirus 3rd and Pleiades 4th and despite wanting to do them all had so much resistance and blamed money etc until today. So I'm smashing out the three to bring it all up and clear it all out. Big day lol. ANYWAY, thank you Ke'oni for bringing these classes forth.
In listening to the Remorse linked with Mata-Roro I asked for a nature treatment to come forward to assist in moving through this remorse. Aur. came up - GOLD. How intriguing, as, yesterday I was working on a current healing modality that uses colours - but to transfer the colours up to the Gold frequency.
The process is kind of like this at the moment - wake the dormant cells, activate, energise with colour starting with lower gentle frequencies and moving the energy vortexes up through the coluor streams (this could also be done with music) and increasing each energy vortex up to the gold frequency. It isn't the protocol of the modality, I've added this on. Electric Violet is the divine colour frequency those teachings bring forward, though I am somewhat swayed with listening to Randi Green discussing colour association with particular genetic libraries. Which I also acknowledge, me being drawn to this means it is ready to be activated and cleared. Initially I had a human emotive reaction of repulsion and rejection. I continue to strengthen the call in of love to all lineages, as they are me, I am holding many of them. And I now release them all, moving back into the divine space and white light abyss within. Let's take a quick look through gold as a remedy. I'm also thinking of ormus elixirs here.
The Latin word for gold, aurum, derives from the Greek word Aurora, the golden goddess of the dawn. Aurum, Aura and Aurora share the same etymology, all summoning ideas of splendour and radiance associated with this precious metal.
Aurum (Italic branch)The Latin (Etruscan) name aurum (ancient ausom) means "yellow". This word is compared well with the the ancient-roman aurora or ausosa (the morning glow, the eastern country, the east). The word is also derived from a Sanskrit word "hari", meaning "yellow". Most of the Roman languages and the Celtic languages use derivations of aurum.
Gold (Germanic branch)The Germanic word gold was already used in the old "Germanic" languages, some of the modern languages use a derivation of it (as goud in Dutch). The root of gold is *gelwa, yellow, which came from Sanskrit "jval", to shine. Literally gold means "the yellow, shining metal". Also the Finnish and Estonian words seems to be derivations of "gold". The Latvian words means yellow too. {interesting link here to Sanskrit - for those of you following my other series)
Золото (zoloto) (Slavic branch)
The Slavic languages use different forms of золото, zlato. This word, used from the earliest times, is undoubtedly is connected with the earliest Indo-European Sol (sun).
Altın (Altaic languages)
Dhahab, zahav (Afro-Asiatic languages)
Amalãmã (Aromanian)This word comes from Greek "malagma", (Medieval Latin amalgama), soft mass.
Homeopathy: Aurum Metallicum (Aur.)
From homeopathyplus - click for rest of detailed indications
Aurum is indicated for those who have an exaggerated sense of duty combined with feelings of guilt and anxiety about perceived failings. This state can descend into severe depression with thoughts of suicide which may be triggered by grief or disappointment in love. Aurum also a remedy for types of cardiac and vascular complaints or symptoms. Heat may surge through the veins and to the head to create a florid, reddened appearance. Symptoms improve with slow walking or in the early evening but others, such as bone pain, worsen at night – from sunset to sunrise. Music can improve symptoms, especially mental-emotional ones.
The meaning of REMORSE is a gnawing distress arising from a sense of guilt for past wrongs : self-reproach
I'm also bringing forth alot of areas where there are attachments that don't need to be there anymore. And dissolving those. From all and everywhere.
Related to Sun (Sol)