Well... I've shifted, again! Lol I say that with a slight tongue-in-cheek, proud and loud! I acknowledged a little bit back that I was consistent, in my methods of expression, and what that means for the now-human playing here. Of course, many lessons learnt in and along each step keeping that which I want to pull forward and losing that which no longer works in the local, larger and universal field.
This is the collaboration of the last few that, well there's many perspectives one could offer to why and as well I can drop those as any time, really - even now they are feeling quite energy-less, soooo I'll continue to assess and see where this current expression leads and how the reality feedsback to me.
As well, I like to play with the energies on many levels and continue to grow and develop through expansion, incorporating and ensure a balanced base existence while increasing my conscious expressions in other space/s.
To get more specific on this current page and what it's all about. I'm leaning into exactly what I am able to offer balanced and intertwined with experience and easy tips I've worked through and either found worked at that time, adapted or where I've pulled in data - for better or for worse. As I watch this latest group of consciousness unfolding occur, and speculated the biggest so far, I draw back to my own similarities and pattern recognition of what was happening at the time I did - what hindsight offered, and how the dots connected (and continue to connect) with regards to how much stuff is out there.
Further, with a prior experience for over a decade of challenging various mental health diagnoses, I certainly feel equipped for navigating the mind field - that's not to say I in any way an expert on it, but at the least remove any kind of shame or pride when it comes to honest exposure of the mechanics and various perspectives of what the bajeepers is going on here!
The posts will mainly be personal reflections for that day, based on the energies I am feeling into, clearing, pondering on. As well any insights into useful plants for collectives energies at that time, being mirrored to me or from nature. Often the message is delivered days or weeks prior which can be quite helpful for being forewarned thus prepared for potential turbulence ahead. That approach alone learned from my mainstream mental health journey and one that comes in extremely handy 'these days'.
Where to begin then? A repetitive idea that comes up, and did again today is the Dummies Guide to.... Expanding Conscious Lives. While it is a bit of a joke and obviously a play on the dummies guide series - I acknowledge that there can be extremely tough and confusing times moving through a lot of the data that is out there. Those feelings and emotions are not a joke, though as we move through the realms the underlying coding of those fields, may become more obvious too. As clearing continues and your exposed self surfaces more and more, the realisation of keeping jokes balanced with the serious is pretty much life-saving!
That should be enough of an opening for now. For anyone that has seen any of my instagram or you tubes stories, videos etc - you'll note 99.9% of the time my content is extremely off the cuff and unedited. And for anyone that can relate well you know exactly why. That didn't give me an excuse not to get some little projects done, and that learning in itself valuable for adapting, flexibility and moving through tasks.