While the Dark Mother Has Officially (publically) Fallen we the collective grapple to release and let go of what has occured during her reign, we attempt to remember the rules of engagement, while some of us resist what is- where her heir and son, sun sol soul is and the lineage she leaves on this Earth plane. While some refresh the plight of Goddess Diana. (Remembering that her children and subsequent heirs have not only his but her DNA, too). How do we find the utmost in compassion trust and faith when this is the legacy remaining? How do we accept the True Father returning when his shadow side/s families have caused so much pain and suffering? Potentially because it is a legacy that we all know, that is familar, that we are all healing and healing from. Possibly because we all have seen or felt or know this blood spilt and blood split? What it tastes like. One reason could be because it is interwoven back and forth and throughout all humans aliens hybrids starseeds Humanity as we know it, Here, TODAY.
So moreso the question is, How can I Not Forgive you? Because you carry my blood, as I do yours.
Wow how do we, how could we, possibly move through and transmute this. Because we have to.
How do we know that this time this is the spacetime that is 'different? Because it has to be.
This is a cleansing for Resurrection of the True Father. For all vampiric parasitic entites associated throughout the infinite degrees of separation to be loved, released, sent, recycled, and whatever other means of poised assertive kindness to achieve purity in the kingdom.
Divine Forgiveness and Acceptance. Reinstating the Pillars of Truth.
For the Return of The King.
Now, having said all that. He may need some help seeing his Queen. It's been awhile... make sure he can hear you, Sisters, in all your DIVINE Feminine glory. This program is not on repeat.
On a more personal and grid work level what this is showing me is where I go in for repair and clearing of potential vampiric and vampiric-like energies throughout the paternal line particularly and fields as well as reintroducing the Kings&Queens throughout the lineages on and offworld, allowing forgiveness and compassion amplification. And, on the plus side about the King's return, is that we have this hugely amazing opportunity to collect all and integrate the good organic natural bits. And process filter release let go and erase. Transmute and Use this tremendous energy to your advantage. The levels of acceptance with the bordering of allowance are essential wrt rules for engagement and expansion.
(Reference to drosera monograph on instagram @exposure.remedies- mind illusions and phantom aspects and particularly interesting this magickally popped up ).