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Tagetes (/tæˈdʒiːtiːz/) is a genus of annual or perennial, mostly herbaceous plants in the family Asteraceae. They are among several groups of plants known in English as marigolds. The genus Tagetes was described by Carl Linnaeus in 1753.


The Latin Tagētes derives from the name of the Etruscan Tages, born from the plowing of the earth. It likely refers to the ease with which plants of this genus come out each year either by the seeds produced in the previous year, or by the stems which regrow from the stump already in place.

The common name in English, marigold, is derived from Mary's gold, a name first applied to a similar plant native to Europe, Calendula officinalis.

The most commonly cultivated varieties of Tagetes are known variously as African marigolds (usually referring to cultivars and hybrids of Tagetes erecta), or French marigolds (usually referring to hybrids and cultivars of Tagetes patula, many of which were developed in France). The so-called signet marigolds are hybrids derived mostly from Tagetes tenuifolia

Where is Taygeta?

Taygeta, 19 Tauri Aa (19 Tau Aa), is a subgiant star located in the constellation Taurus. It is one of the brightest members of the Pleiades cluster (Messier 45). The star has an apparent magnitude of 4.30 and lies at an approximate distance of 440 light years from Earth.


In Classical Greek mythology, Taygete was a nymph, one of the Pleiades according to the Bibliotheca (3.10.1) and a companion of Artemis, in her archaic role as potnia theron, "Mistress of the animals", with its likely roots in prehistory. Mount Taygetos in Laconia, dedicated to the goddess, was her haunt.


Taygete/teɪˈɪdʒətiː/, also known as Jupiter XX, is a retrogradeirregular satellite of Jupiter. It was discovered by a team of astronomers from the University of Hawaii

It has been asserted that a Marigold flower, rubbed on the affected part, is an admirable remedy for the pain and swelling caused by the sting of a wasp or bee. I was stung by a wasp yesterday, thank you nature and natural universe - how supporting that that.

Next stop, Vulci Italy. Etruscan Civilisation.

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Keep planting new seeds until your mind becomes the earth that gives birth to new worlds.”

— Curtis Tyrone Jones

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Living, with Alana

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