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Thymus & Thalamus Monadic Chaperone Decoding


- MC8 D8 Gold

'anger', but also 'heart, soul, desire, life'

mother of thyme. thymol

T-cells-CD8 and CD4, MHC receptor, AIRE gene. Thymine Thymic Acid [effect of histamine on consequential effects]

Arteries involved: internal thoracis, inferior thyroid arteries, superior thyroid artery

Lymphs: brachiocephalic, tracherobronchiol and parasternal lymph nodes.

Vagus nerve. cervical sympathetic chain. phrenic nerves

***preorders for enhanced elixir available in shop

Thalamus "chamber" MC9

grey matter, hub

regulates consciousness, sleep, alertness 5HT7 - smooth muscle regulation - GIT - DMT

'unit'; Pythagoreas postulated 'singularity' 'alone'. The #1. Unity. The Supreme Being. Divinity or totality of all things.

Interface between the worldly corporeal and spiritual. Essentially an attempt to solve the mind-body problem.



Thalamus: Insertion of Floral Leaves on Thalamus Thalamus (also called torus) is the axis of the floral shoot which is the direct pro­longation of the pedicel and bears four sets of floral members......But, in the family Umbelliferae the thalamus normally projects into the ovary and the carpels remain attached to it separating at maturity.' picture below also from link:

Monad Body. higher mind function of observer. concepts and assessments.

Beetroot - Blood Cleansing.

Growing the Permanent Seed Atom.

Atomic doorway. Projector of Light Consciousness.

After watching ServantofTruth's PFC vid and to follow on from the above makes sense given their interconnected relationship - though you could argue everything does. So for physical sense if anything we'll travel along the neuron to the PFC.

As well, oh there was something else but got distracted. haha woops. Calling in Engagement, Deeper Refinement. and Higher Level Refinement Skills.

27 Jul update - keywords

Thyroid. Orion. Red Onion.

Keep planting new seeds until your mind becomes the earth that gives birth to new worlds.”

— Curtis Tyrone Jones

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A Progressive Wellbeing Initiative

Living, with Alana

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