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New & Improved Energy Management System in Place aka.Gut-Heart Axis back online.

as well as alternative outlets for managing outgoing and releasing emotions

Heartburn Healing. Knot in Heart. Heart Space wanting to become more automatic/autonomic and wanting to be seen more. Drop Head/Ego away. Time to balance, or have a backseat. Let's work on balance. There is no duality.

I will not project my yuk anywhere out into this realm and place and others feed etc (speaking specifically to being too transparent on platforms).

I will allow my energy to be emanated in all the bliss and joy I want my world to be. While I honour and acknowledge where these feelings occur and would like to be seen. There are particular places I will redirect it. This personal blog is one of them. Salsa dancing and painting, is another. It feels more appropriate and less encroachy onto others. Though I do want to say how must my friends are frikken bosses are holding space! Thank you! I have downsized and downsized my network and I get little to no bounceback with my posts. It is an extremely interesting observation to make, and it makes me very grounded and humbled to be surrounded by individuals so dedicated to growth, healing and expansion. So thank you.

Secondly, I am revising and refocusing again, on where I want to focus and lead my energies. I want all the transmutations to go into beauty and joy. Not just been thrown 'out there' done with wiped hands see you later. How careless, selfish and irresponsible.

I am still working through dropping into heart space from head. My head is so good at processing and analysis that it naturally wants to go through these intense diggings in.

My dear friend Ariel put it very eloquently today. Keep It Simple. The dark has simply moved our of alignment with the light for a moment, so bring it back in. They are such a beautiful gentle soul and has taught me many many things Thank you Ariel.

So, as I feel I am moving into another level of gratitude, I allow all to be, in the ebb and flow. Another phase of the journey playing out. Though instead of contract expand contract expand. This week has been contract contract contract, expand, contract, expand expand contract expand contract expand expand contact. You get the picture.

Enjoying the stage I am at and all that it brings for mySelf and my family. A lovely progression into All That Is.

Ok why am I triggered by people unfollowing me. Let's pull this out and get on with it.

  1. I have written triggering posts the last few days. That's okay. I'm speaking about things I feel and however they have come out, well I aim to hold the grace to move through it and get on with things. Though they might not be graceful coming out! It is definitely something that I have been working on, and the explanation I offer is for my own analysis and growth. Drop into heart space re this. Hmm not yet. ok. Some mild feelings of guilt, shame, embarrassment.

  2. I want my peeps around me and a solid AF tribe moving forward. Simple. I hold space for others, and I want to be with people who hold space for me, too. That is okay. It feels a bit selfish. so let's dig that out. The ones closest

  3. It might not have anything to do with me. I lost about 80 followers the other day. Some clean up some just gone. IG is def doing interesting things moreso lately. So chill. Send back or transmute it. Feelings arose of hurt ego, bigheadedness. Funny to observe this wasn't my first thought of what happened though (it was only a few, and this season eclipse friday 13th whatever you want to call it, has been wild, we might have lost some, if even temporarily).

Okay analysis done, acknowledge and accept those. Integrate and get on with it. Simple Heart space. Well... I'm working on my Human. EVERY Day don't you worry.

Ah and look at that. Heartburn in chest has subsided, gut space feeling better. Gut-Heart Axis back online.

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