How's this for a blog topic boiling up: mind stimulation and what that actually might mean across many many perspectives;
the lessons, teachings and maintanence, management of mental health diagnoses (in context of how each individual mind finds their own comprehension in daily life and why holding back your energy (aka. projections) are important (links back to true compassion),
external influences and their impact, internal influences and their impact [physical and unseen]; what can others see, that you can't? What can you see, that they can't? Does It Matter? Find what does..
Context, Perspective and Patience and why fundamental foundational values of Unconditional Compassion & Faith are crucial moving forward.
The Wounded Healer Archetype. Living From The Unified Field Perspective (tapping into the collective telepathy field),
what that means for the Physical Body and the How To right here right now. First Q handsdown is always, now why is this in MY field.... that's another blog post, it gets fun to discuss with the unified field theory 😝
There's a few topics for now. If anyone wants to elaborate or me to, as in if there's anything that pings or you want more detail on go ahead and comment. I may or may not make a video on it to expose those demons.