~~~ yar this womb healing is/was a doosy! ~~~
I've been trying to work out howto share this healing without projecting the energy onto others. 1. Set the intention not too. 2. Offer the link as a share and perhaps the nature of it to caution without implementing fear. If people choose to go and read the full blog they are forewarned.
Immediately I am drawn to the frog face - fertility, rebirth and wisdom
Insights Highlights from The UnWounded Womb with Dr Jimi May2022
Lilith, Bee Swarms, OverCreation.
The messages started to come in from Lilith Purification. Womb of Underworld has fallen. Bee Swarm on the hunt for a new hive. As I heal my womb I evolve it. As We heal our womb and with Mother she reinstates her place on her Throne.
Remember to heal her to go within and stop looking externally to purify your own womb waters. Remove negative thoughts, blocks, emotions interrupting movement through this. If these present, how are they presenting to the womb? Perhaps it isn’t physical, though it may be too. I don’t want to accept that I have and could be damaging her. Call in grace and compassion for all that was. Vow to reinstate all that Is in Pure Forms. Deepen into the allowance of ReBirthing of Self. No, not differentiated from other aspects. ReBirthing of Whole Spirit, a representative of. As I allowed the dropping down into the physical and allowance of healing and associated emotions to arise relating to emergency csection. Higher Level Grace and Compassion for Spirit and Experiences based on previous choices. Forgiveness on all levels and layers.
Yarrow has been speaking to me of late, the message coming through is that of OverCreation- bleeding too strong. Then completely closed off. Ideally it is about Gemini season so focus on working with right into that balancing energy, especially since it sits in Chiron in my chart. Centaur energy extremely synergetic with current propulsion and what I’ve been calling in, as well horse energy prevalent.
Jack The Ripper
Very oddly deep deep looming Jack the Ripper energy came in, where from and why. Feels like a subconscious womb wounding but it isn’t mine as such. It’s Ours. On a collective level and on behalf of Earth Mother Herself, and well any other Mother Aspect. At the risk of sounding a bit grotesque - I am very much someone who faces all aspects when they come into my field - so, feeling into all the places and spaces where She has felt her uterus has been ripped out. I do wonder how similar the wounds are to a csection incision and why it feels quite real. I won’t go much further in, the energy is quite strong with it for me and I am and will be continuing to enlist Ho’oponopono towards myself and Earth Mother to move through it and any other intuitive healing. It’s coarse, rough and well morbidly violent. I will say this - it is No More. I See You Mother, I acknowledge all you have endured. Please Forgive Me. [I've dug into this a lot more the following day, comment if you wish to reply more, I am respectful of unloading too much in the comments section!)
Earth Mother is Her Own Consciousness to Rule.
Anger/Frustration emotion arising as Miss 2yo starts playing around next to me, what is she reflecting to me. It is the Child’s Space, laying foundations for the future Seven.
It is not my sPace. It is HERs to rule. It is Hers to take-over and Illuminate. It is hers to caress and nurture. It is not my realm to dictate to. It is not my space to govern. She is her own sacred density, sacred destinies. She has her own heartbeat. I am immensely and immerse-ly, intensely humbled by Her. Ego/Mind/Self Bowing in Reverence Here. In fact, does the psyche exist at all. My current belief is that yes it does and that this principle is a false white light program to get you out of your power.
We bleed for all our RELATIONS. Not only Ancestors but our Relationships. And further, Relations in the Hips the girdle protector of the womb. How appropriate :)
Following Day. Energy still present. It is quite a negative lurking one, could be misunderstood, could be trickster and especially cautious due to alleged nature of events surrounding (sra in royals coverup). The entity could be genuinely sorry. It is very likely it is my own manifestation of that time that I have dodged facing for a few years now due to many different reasons. I do feel a regretful energy from involvement in actual other life events of the ripper. Wrt to.it moving along, the energy isn't leaving as quickly as they normally do. There's something keeping it her from me.
Remote view the procedure itself.
Address the energy as a collective energy not singular. Address as a whole grid of sra hauntings in c sections.
Ho'oponopono. Continue to ask what else is needed. What self-blocks or concerns am I holding onto that needs to heal. What is the route out of this one? Does it matter.
Q. How can I process this in a way that my psyche will let it go. Picture this Buddhist principle. There is no Self. Thus, there is nothing for any form or matter to hold on to.
Drop Into Heart, Zoom in and out into the Infinite Field. Does this mean my feelings and emotions don't exist then? Or do they form-ulate in between which barriers. Ok def overthinking now. Refocus. Sip Cacao.
I remove all forms of self and external sabotage in relation to my womb/uterus especially any originating from childbirth.
I unplug from all negative caesarean grids and programming, infiltrations, manipulations and corruptions of any kind, form or matter from any source and point of origin.
I remove all forms of self and external sabotage in relation to Earth Mothers Womb and all forms of Creation across all time-streams, dimensions, realities and otherwise. (lol interesting with the wording, interesting double meaning there with self and self sabotage).
This energy still feels weird. Is it even mine? This can totally be a bypass statement, but also the actual case (though earth mother healing is on behalf of her). Good teaching in discernment, good teaching in not entering into any group sessions especially online no matter who with, without ensuring field is strong and repellant of negative energies.
Hopefully this makes sense, I summarised highlights without really rereading so I may have missed bits. I have the raw notes if you're interested. Also some more context re where body is showing me sensations https://www.quantumexposure.info/post/i-noticed-my-right-clavicle-upon-waking-a-brief-synopsis
I Declare my sovereignty as a being on Earth Mother in this Infinite Now Moment
Repeat Soul Revocation.
Allow Heart and Mother to allow the rest to settle and to heal. Monitor for pattern presenting.
I revoke all soul contracts, vows, agreements, covenants and otherwise not mentioned with all associated entities and beings relating to these matters mentioned here. There are other universes for you to migrate to if you wish to carry on in this way.
Undertake ancestral line intentions to give back soul shards I am carrying and take back those which belong to me.
I Connect Directly To and am in Direct Connection with the Pure The One The Most Sacred & Divine. My channel is clear and cleansed. I do not engage with otherwise, on any level, layer or otherwise.
I Create From Original and True WombSpace
I Flow through the purified waters allowing cleansing immersion within and without.
Everything not able to Harmonise Falls Away, Dissolved & Erased. As if it never existed...
✨️ Chuffed that it got picked up before it finished uploading 😝 I'll be back ✨️