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Selenium - Nutritional Support

Parathyroid & Thyroid Support is so important, if not crucial and the hub of I guess all biochemical processes in the body. Absolutely everything in the body is interconnected and the pivot point or anchor very much seems to be the thyroid.

While researching nutritional sources of, and also as a personal choice currently to be meat and dairy free as my body is undergoing some kind of detox/cleanse and organs are needing a break, so this leaves less options when it comes to nutritional sources of selenium. I did start taking a supplement to see how my body responded and I feel that it was beneficial, especially given the additional pressures and stresses that could have been annoying during this last 6 weeks. Having said this, though, if you have read my mission statement it is to have people in a state that they need no supplementation and increase their nutritional absorption through gut health and good food choices. As well, this approach reduces many a corporate or external requirement and puts the onus back onto the consumer to be self-sufficient. Also my vision for Mother Gaia moving forward.

A healthline article lists 20 food sources for selenium. I have eliminated the meat and dairy options and the remaining are:

  • brazil nuts, eggs, brown rice, sunflower seeds, baked beans, mushrooms, oatmeal, spinach, lentils, cashews, bananas.

This list is actually quite versatile to work with when it comes to a range of meal options and choices. Wrt amounts and doses, well that varies hugely depending on serving size, source of production and lots of other things. For yourself personally, I would test your bodies daily requirements for that particular day and time of day. There is also many reasons why which, I can't be bothered going into here and in fact you would be paying over $300/session with an endocrinologist to explain. If you do have any questions and would like more thorough explanation for your individual situation you can book a session here.

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