it's not about the situation, it's the principle of the teaching. (well it is about the situation, it always is but my point focus on the meaning behind the message). Stimulus: bites from insects. Thought: take an antihistamine. WHY - to manage annoying itch. WHY - cos it's annoying. WHY - my mind is telling me my body is itchy and is annoyed by it. There's more, keep pushing through it. 'It' doesn't want to feel it. Trick? I say trick as I feel it is one, a trick to deter me from identifying my bodies capabilities to defend and self treat, as opposed to being distracted by this and reaching outside of myself for relief and treatment (yes there are varying degrees to this but generally speaking ok).
WHY - it is uncomfortable. BECAUSE IT IS UNCOMFORTABLE. Am I going to die, no (this may appear drastic, but my point is to offer some perspective of the situation, and where we have left our body's natural abilities behind - it is more than capable of dealing with this). SO, (common theme personally and professionally in my time as a pharmacist),
just take a pill and fix it. Easy, quick, don't think about it again. But what is behind the body stimulus? Biochemically, the body is releasing histamine from mast cells. It releases this as a response to the presence of toxic stimuli in the system and can result in symptoms such as itch and red blotchy or sunburn-looking rash. In this case it was a simple insect bite but keeping in mind this response is wide and varied with regards to toxic detoxing and what the body is able to get rid of through various mechanisms. This may seem minor to some, however mastering these simple little responses is fantastic training for bigger responses and mind training. And look at that, by the time I've typed this the annoying feeling has subsided, in fact gone completely. Thank you Body Temple, I Honour You Completely. These days I am always in Body Temple Training mode, or moreso Mind Thought Catching Mode, aka Living. When we slow down we can hear our immune system talking to us. The trick is not using our ears, but our hearts to feel into it. Catch the thoughts and manage them, turn off the autopilot. Connect your mind and body instead of allowing your mind, or other influences to trick you using your body. Importantly for this too, everything in moderation to give your body a chance to process, or eliminate all together so as to not saturate receptors and enzymes that assist these processes. You are IN there and know you best, experiment and learn your boundaries with regards to your body without applying limitations, it may come in extremely useful. Reassess regularly, daily, hourly even - whenever the need arises.