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Solution Selling vs. Nothingness ~ Allowance of The Ultimate Sacred Flow

I saw a 10th Nov horoscope/prediction/advise whatever you want to call it for yesterday (I have many lovely international friends so it was relevant to the 11th here). It was entitled ' Focus On The Solutions'. and the post a ctually gave me some movement forward wrt some clarity of the situation I am currently pushing through, or more so the emotional state hovering that I would like to transmute to realign on the other side.

My reaction to this post was to sit today and do just that, in a pictographic kind of way of a visionboard.

As I sat to contemplate and organise in true Virgo overanalysis style and quickly concluding I do not know what I want. I know what I can do and how I can help others, quite easily in fact but the resistance is met with, is that what I WANT to do. Further, Do I HAVE to want to do anything? (It has been said over time that to desire is to suffer, or suffering comes with desiring).

Yes I'm all for growth and expansion and all that - which one could argue this realisation IS a part of just that, in some way. And I am definitely one for the work with a strong history of working hard no probs. But, now, for today, and for this month the challenge I had given myself was to just

BE, more, BE still, BE stillness.

So, Do you want anything? Well no, and it's totally ok!

In another bid, on another level again to LET GO, here I am surrendering all the business side of it - despite how pretty new and fresh it is. And no, it is not giving up. Everything is still there and it all is adaptable, renewable etc etc etc. But, for today, I surrender it all. That which is aligned to my true pure organic blueprint and the ultimate way forward both individually as Self, as family and that of the collective/humanity, that will flow back in clear, straight and stronger. That which is not - will not. As they are the strict strong boundaries I have set for this next phase. And how bloody free is that!

No desires. No attachments. No expectations. No requirements. No pressure.

That's what I want. Ultimate Freedom.

Well here it is baby, all you had to do was ASK.

Allowance of the Ultimate Sacred Flow.

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