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Supporting the Lower Chakras Clearing - Toolbox

This feels like a detox to end all detoxes. It feels old, it feels dense. It feels like it has to go! As well as two big sessions with two super powerful and experiences healings, the rest is now up to me. And my body is asking for support through this. Relating to sexual and intimacy in my relationship (for many many reasons, saved for another post), to self worth and really standing up and putting myself out there in marketing my business and offerings in whatever that capacity that may be, being generally blocked or stagnant in one aspect or another etc etc. These three are pretty big to deal with. They also are essential for connection to Earth Mother and a range of grounding mechanisms and skills.

Moving into this next phase of initiation and purely bringing through ancestral wisdom requires this channel to be clean and clear. And so it has begun.

Yesterday I rearranged the pantry intuitively and with guidance from Mum (who prompted without really knowing the underlying levels, so when she speaks I listen as it is often the ancestral line speaking too, actually that is a lot of interactions come to think of it, anyway...)... my pantry now reflects a focus on beans, nuts & seeds, and herbs & spices. I changed the cooking shelf and the sauces. All of which I am the process of reducing processed crap more and more from home-making tomato sauce, to no carby pastas/breads/rices.

I'm not shy of a detox, I love them and think they are great for many reasons. I'm feeling like I'm really needing to bring through a few elements on this one compiling a few strong tools.

Food - juices. no coffee or alcohol. Water water water, I've got a bit of coconut water too but fresh would be better (and not far away till the coconut trees are in, yield=170ish/year which would meet our needs. Also feeling the need to add herbs and spices to this, so gingers turmeric etc. Really get this physical avatar electrified. Celery Juice, Bananas, Limejuice & chia seed water, mango (solar plexus)

Teas - dandelion for liver; I had this interesting and strong combination come through last night which is hibiscus, mugwort and amanita muscaria so I will follow the guidance with that support. It's quite an intriguing mixture which can be smoked also. Anything herbal with no caffeine is definitely the preferred option. Anything else immune system supportive can't go wrong either.

Energetic support - one of my sessions was particularly supportive with moving through specific womb healings. I strongly feel this is huge support moving forward into the next pregnancy and probably home birthing situation.I'm using my forensic healing pathways as a part of my daily practise at the moment and it's not a coincidence a lot of the healing pathways coming up are related to either the root, sacral or solar plexus so I'll keep going with that. Oracle card guidance. And as always monitoring emotions that arise during this time.

Physical - exercise to support gastrointestinal tract and aid movement and digestion, massaging gut area tip that Laureen gave me in a healing (she's at s8credAccess, if you want her details email me, she is amazing). Sexual activity and the internal contractions will help with moving stagnant energy, and it can't all be ominous and serious so we'll make sure there's plenty of healing sessions here ;-P annnddd definitely do not forget BREATHWORK!

Meditation/Sound Healing and Intent Practise - specific and focused into moving through this area. I started a visualisation of actually pushing through and moving through the whole GIT from the oesophageal sphincter into the gut, large intestine, small intestine and out through the anus which helped with movement. I've just remembered I have a tuning fork I haven't used or learnt to use yet. That and some drumming over my womb/pelvis/hip area could be quite beneficial. The other healing session I had also suggested craniosacral healing for my hip and lower back too (especially before my next pregnancy). So time allowing I might drop a session in here too.

Crystal Healing for lower chakras include - jasper, tiger's eye, black tourmaline, smoky quartz, citrine, carnelian

Essential Oil healing - ah now I know why vetiver has popped back into my awareness lately. Other oils good for the lower chakras include: cinnamon, ginger, cedarwood, ylang ylang, lavender, jasmine, myrrh and patchouli,

oot: , Cedarwood, Benzoin, Myrrh, Black Pepper, Patchouli

Ok that feels like more than enough to get me going and I feel extremely supported, and there's always a good support network of healers around if another session is required. That's also not forgetting my regular daily practise, journalling, ancestral guidance and anything else that comes. I am quite intently tuning in with this one.

Today is Tuesday, I'm going to start tonight with some juice flushes and teas, and an energetic healing. A strict 3 days will be good, but I'm feeling longer might be needed with this. As it is always about Balance with my family dynamic I'll do as much as I can and monitor how I'm going. Ideally the rest of this week would be good, so maybe up to Sunday night then relax a bit Monday which coincides with Andy returning to work. I think that is a good goal and thorough enough.

EDIT UPDATE! Silly me, I completely forgot (despite looking at it every day) that my lunar lemon juice water has been infusing and is fabulous for cleansing out and resetting the gastrointestinal tract (GIT). Giddy Up, my kind of shots these days - it is superpotent so a couple of shots here and there will be super supportive. The patchouli oil has been a great addition too.

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