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Tracking some healing sparks. Forced. Judgement. Doing Matrix Business.

Forced. Feeling Forced.

While sitting in space with a friend who was channeling the theme of forced came up, the context was wrt free will and choice.
How Do I Heal feeling forced against my will?
Run forensic healing protocol to loosen this from psyche and assist me tuning in.
Nice okay, the protocol led me to a Message. So I'm choosing a card.
Tawny Frog-Mouth ~merge, consideration, risky
master of camouflage (Q for Self: address shadow aspect of hiding)
observes surrounding allowing opportunity to see things others miss.
master of illusion - hidden in plain sight. Uses this to its advantage, though, as a defense mechanism almost.
evaluates situations from a safe distance. expert of secrecy (yes I have been asking for guidance with keeping ego in check wrt sharing etc. So thank you TFM for this medicine).
'Tawny Frog-mouth' does not share his knowledge and insights as this will expose him and make him unsafe. There is strength in keeping secrets and respecting that others have a right to manage their business as they see fit.'

Aboriginal Spirituality Meaning:
Secret Keeper. Synchronicity. Becoming One with Nature. Oneness. Unification. Breakthrough. Understanding your relationship to spirit. Sometimes we lose sight of our place in the grand scheme of things, and then forget that we are always inter-connect with life around us. We are never truly separate from nature or alone. Frogmouth pushes to you into the next phase. Consciously working with Tawny can create dramatic movement into new and healthful phases of your life. Situations will be resolved, and opposing ideas will start to find a common ground. Connection with nature and camouflaging - becomes one with the tree.

Mirroring Judgement.

During this same interaction (it happened today, hence why I'm working with the integration now) I was also quite aware that I have immense judgement towards this character and potential situations they may have been involved with. Some stuff was just off! So to mirror that, where have I felt judged, where have I placed judgement on others, where have others placed judgement on me?

Flip and insert positive reinforcement of. and Keep It Simple. I'm not running a protocol on this one. Acknowledgement: Judgement is a separation from Love (thank you Gabby Bernstein for the prod).
So as a healing tool - I am being shown that I am separated from Love. Well, the cynacist in me states der that's why we are here! To Learn how to be in a state on Unconditional Love. Okay rewind. That's unconditional love. How about just plain and simple Love. Where in my body am I holding trauma that prevents me from moving forward as love. It is being expressed as judgement. But Why. Because I am allowing it. Okay. Deeper. Show me how I can unlock it. Show me where I am not loving mySelf. Running the protocol now -physics came up with healing pathway of environmental toxins - 10 plastics. okay surprising. now clear it! ooph felt that come out my mid-lower back). Okay good. Let's see how that feels. I'll also add in some affirmation statements to positively reinforce. The following are from Gabby's book reflection.
  • My awareness of my judgment has helped me become a more mindful and conscious person.

  • My willingness to heal these perceptions has set me free!

  • I can let go of resentments and jealousies.

  • I can face pain with curiosity and love.

  • I forgive others and myself much more easily.

To bring into the I Am Presence, which I love hanging in - I Am Aware of my judgement. I Am willing to heal. I Let Go of Resentments and Jealousies. I face pain with curiosity and love. I forgive others and myself.

Bernstein also comments, 'The moment we see ourselves as separate from anyone else we detour into a false belief system that is out of alignment with our true nature, which is love. Deep down we are all loving, kind and compassionate beings. There are many spiritual terms for this truth, such as spirit, source and God.'

I'm quoting Gabby alot, and I rarely speak others words much if at all. But this is absolute gold for me, and well something different. The six steps she breaks down for practise (she has a course, unsponsored plug); I have no allegiance and actually cringed when I saw her name as I had previously known her as a trendy influencer that took off, and dismissed her. Now how is that for judgement not to mention some self-sabotage. Which is a great segue for her first step: Witness you judgment without judgement. Step 2: Honour the wound. She suggest tapping here (EFT method). Step 3: Put love on the altar. Step 4: See for the first time. Step 5: Meditate for oneness. Suggestion - cord cutting meditation. Step 6: Forgive. Yes so wow talk about a judgement detox alright.
She goes into slightly more on the site which is linked above and the course purchase thingy is on there too for a deeper plunge. I haven't committed to. I will consider if this circles back around.

God IS Truth. Okay I need to clear out that word. There is a lot of jiggy yaya energy with that. Also, I seem to choose a word for 'that' depending what aspect of me is stronger in that moment. When I've been in Earth Father Sky or Sun is more relatable. Source is a common one. I like the energy that that carries.

Registering my business name through the government grid.
and to finish off (for now), I'm having resistance towards the approach to business here. Which has been a few months of direct healing with Ari, but also, longer perhaps. Specifically now, it is to do with registering the business name through the government system setup. Belief: this system is collapsing. Resonance Bounce: could wait till its done. Could get into now and amend later. Everything is fixable. Remain adaptive. Make the choice that feels lightest and brightest FOR TODAY. If it doesn't then there's no obligation to do it! This is al.... Oh hold the phone.... By entangling with this it allows for me to directly run purifications through it. See. Ok giddy up, this is healing. Shift Activated! EDIT: I wrote this paragraph before pulling the card for Tawny. So, moving forward I'll be pulling a lot of tawny medicine through ;-)

Keep planting new seeds until your mind becomes the earth that gives birth to new worlds.”

— Curtis Tyrone Jones

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A Progressive Wellbeing Initiative

Living, with Alana

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