So without getting into too much semantics over the initial catalyst moment that led to this tracking I'll jump straight in. Well quickly for context to tune in perhaps. I at the time unintentionally tapped into someone's field without realising (I've had a super boost in powers lately) and, although I did ask permission verbally to the human, I'm now wondering if they are feeling violated. Perhaps after giving permission, when the second and subsequent thoughts set in, or even discussing with others, maybe then we had this additive effect? Nevermind, this is taking me away from self-reflection and moving into a blamey frequency so let's shift gears.
Enabling and codependency (also ick frequency, let's shift it).
Your own thoughts are dangerous emough, let alone when someone else's added on. The additive effect is potentially infinitely layered. And there are a lot of overnight healers out there with, whatever intentions they have 'good' or otherwise BUT the truth is, it is imperative not to cause more damage and ingrain a thought pattern even moreso. I suppose to some extent, the universe will steer you to the appropriate healer. If you are tuned in enough. Without layers upon layers of programming and foggy filters. Ooph ok. See how things get complicated. For me, if I have an ounce of doubt, like when approaching skin conditions and diseases in the pharmacy, it's something better doing nothing than anything. How well do you know your own discernment? This is not a fear based frequency, but moreso a prompt for reflection (I'll also note I have huge ego shifting happening today so have fun discerning, that!). As a healer, have you considered prior any sessions that you may or may not enable a client?
Did I say in summary? I do love a good stream of consciousness, and I don't like interrupting the flow so I'll allow it. To circle back to the thought tracking. A couple of exchanges were happening as they have been in my field most of the day, it's been a fabulous opportunity for lots of seesawing and reaching a point of no-more-whys or maybes (also big shout out to The Love Empress for their support and guidance). So yuk yuk yuk was in my field. Did I take on some energies that weren't mine? Yes, Some was also mine. Do I have unhealed aspects not coming up for healing and release and or integration. Yes. Losing and shifting programming of my own in response to the whole situation why I began questioning it. This revealed a lot of different layers and angles. It is pretty cool how it all rolls out really. Getting more to the title, it ended up leading me to the initial thought that started the perhaps turning point. What made me think to offer this help in the first place. My brain is telling me I got a message to act on a quick impulse to offer help and that I was been guided to. Ok now feeling into it, yes it feels weird. Everything offers more clarity with hindsight (definitely a big opportunity to get myself ahead of that before even thinking about affecting other beings with my projections). So where did the thought come from which was kind of along the lines of 'offer her a healing to help her through this time'.
Ah ok, wounded healer archetype. Can we heal her now. Yes. Ok run healing for my and the wounded healer archetype. Ok Is she healed. Yes (for now). Can we integrate her. Yes. Ok run integration.
As as the day has progressed, feelings of doubt, fear, frustration, jealously, lack and that kind of low vibe have been surfacing and releasing. As well, it has brought a lot of ego stuff up to the surface. I woke up at 4am this morning with the strong urgency to get out of bed and update my platforms, set strict boundaries and focus my energy into one spot. A container that I can maintain. A space where I can just do me and if someone wants to come in they can if they feel into it and want to play too. The excuse of using IG as a outlet, well that is BS. There are plenty of healthy ways to express. As well as this blog, but nature, family, cooking, music dancing ok you get the gist. Not to mention the dual action of remaining present in the moment, remaining present in my moment. The updates also included restricting interactions with people, meaning I will not only let the 3d human into my field in sessions, but it also includes all their stuff, too. I know how and what I do my end to maintain, enhance and honour my field.
So let's get to the thought. I've gotten it back to. Now I am at the start of the thought being implanted and I can see a control room. And there's some mild scrambling, like get-me-the-manager type energy. I'm not supposed to be here. Or moreso, I'm not supposed to know this. So, the question lingers. Who is running the control centre? It's not a 'new' infrastructure. Removing the self-bypassing wrt to blame and avoidance. Today really dug deep into many many many layers and facets of this. And we still had fun doing it! In 'the control centre' though, there are a range of energies in play; organic, and not. The word surrender brings a whole new meaning to it.