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Updated: Nov 2, 2022

the 'Perfect Storm', hybrid, Rose Mallow, Hardy Hibiscus. Summerific Collection, one of many Rose of Sharons.



Batch 2 of BugBugGoByeBye now stocked in shop. This batch includes: nettle, rosemary, thyme, lemongrass grown on site, lemons grown down the road plus clove oil. Available in 10mL oil, 50mL spray/bottle, 300g candle.

Outside News

Australia's Financial Budget is hot press at the moment, seems clear that the general public are starting to be prepped. US reports of Trump already been arrested. I haven't caught up to see further developments this afternoon. UK have ushered in a new leader, Rishi Sunak.

Amongst continuing news in other sectors.

Local area - storms and sprays here all week, including the perfect one that caused a blackout during this put together.

Current Energies Message 27.10.22

Take healthy control/lead the way through The Perfect Storm today honouring your hearts dynamic truths in making choices for progressive completion and purified integrations. Anchor Your Vessel in the Harmonising Surges where your opportunities are for using this powerful momentum for rebuilding and if you choose it can propel you to where you want. A good day for me time and taking a gentle look inside. eye eye Captain.

Okay let's get into it. To open the session I invite you to recite the following on your own or read along below.


Calling in Mother Earth and Grandmothers Wisdom, as well as the true elementals in their purest forms to help support, guide, assist and help in allowing the pure essence of this plant to come through now in its truest & greatest form. To allow us to learn and clear, walking and sitting with her and in turn allowing her to be free from potential constraints she herself may be under. Together we ask for forgiveness and love, while we too forgive and love. We are thankful and appreciate all her gifts & teachings with any messages that may come forth for us today.

Primary general intents are:

  • to clear out unnecessary energies within appropriate clearance levels

  • work with the truest and purest forms of energy essence available

  • The Perfect Storm movie

  • Thyroid Storm, iodine

  • Hibiscus Season of interest: Summer (mid-late), Autumn/Fall. Attracts hummingbirds

  • Hibiscus is used for metabolic syndrome, or syndrome X

  • Rose of Sharon

  • AbelMoschus

  • antioxidant, antihypertensive, anticholesterol, antiinflammatory

TUNE IN TO plant

Thyroid Storm

Described by as a result of untreated hyperthyroidism. An individual's heart rate, blood pressure and body temperature can reach dangerously high levels.

So look I'm not getting right into the trails and things but one of the symptoms that these chemicals can cause is a thyroid storm. [FYI I am in development stage of AirBugsGoByeBye - SkyBugsGoByeBye was a bit too obvious- room and surface spray and extra support through your choice of consults, there is support for this but also, no fear, it can be serious].

Another type of 'storm' the body can experience is a histamine storm which in a simple explanation is like overdosing on histamine. I won't go into more detail here but there is lot online or book a session for more info (not being sales, just wanting to keep stream going, email me if you like). aka. cytokine storm - vast reporting on this, very common after injections.

Thyroid Storms are reported as rare.

Negative Feedback Loop pic link and video info

Syndrome X:

From the website (The Royal Australian College of GPs) discusses metabolic syndrome here. The article from the Australian Family Physician describes metabolic syndrome as a cluster of risk factors comprising of meeting three of five of a combination of cardiovascular, weight measurements and glucose diagnoses.

The Rose of Sharon:

The name "Rose of Sharon" first appears in Hebrew in the Tanakh. In the Shir Hashirim ('Song of Songs' or 'Song of Solomon') 2:1, the speaker (the beloved) says "I am the rose of Sharon, a rose of the valley". The Hebrew phrase חבצלת השרון (ḥăḇatzeleṯ hasharon) was translated by the editors of the King James version of the Bible as "rose of Sharon"; however, previous translations had rendered it simply as "the flower of the field" (Septuagint "ἐγὼ ἄνθος τοῦ πεδίου",Vulgate "ego flos campi", Wycliffe "a flower of the field"). Contrariwise, the Hebrew word ḥăḇatzeleṯ occurs two times in the scriptures: in the Song, and in Isaiah 35:1, which reads, "the desert shall bloom like the rose." The word is translated "rose" in the King James version, but is rendered variously as "lily" (Septuagint "κρίνον", Vulgate "lilium", Wycliffe "lily"), "jonquil" (Jerusalem Bible) and "crocus" (RSV).
  • Hibiscus rosa-sinensis (var. 'Vulcan'), the national flower of Malaysia [n.b. Vulcan constellation

  • Subject of the Song I Hate Heaven by The Residents, which is featured in their bible inspired album Wormwood.

  • Kate Bush's "Song of Solomon" from her album The Red Shoes includes lyrics which quote and reference the Song of Songs. Check out the lyrics in the video caption.



healing characteristics of plant.

The whole plant is used for healing.

Usually the root of hibiscus is used for coughs, colds and other infectious diseases. The leaves are emollient and aperient. They soften inflammation and are gently laxative. The flowers are also used for soothing internal and external wounds and sores. The petals of the flowers soothe and protect the alimentary tract and relieve inflammation and also lower body heat. In fevers, the infusion of the flower helps to reduce temperature.

Another trumpet-shaped flower, hot summer days in exotic places.

Hibiscus Sabdariffa L. (common name Roselle ) is a member of the Malvaceae, or mallow, family. It originated in Egypt and can now be found growing in warm places around the world including India, Africa, Sudan, Jamaica, China, Philippines, and the United States. Generally sub-tropical

Egypt - Karkade


Antioxidant benefits

Scientific interest in the hibiscus plant has grown recently, particularly with regard to its use in treating the signs and symptoms of metabolic syndrome. {links to>>>

Effects of Hibiscus sabdariffa extract powder and preventive treatment (diet) on the lipid profiles of patients with metabolic syndrome (MeSy) }

It has been hypothesized that the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory polyphenols present in hibiscus are of benefit in helping to prevent and treat this condition.

Hibiscus is particularly rich in highly active flavonoids such as gossypetin, sabdaretine, hibiscetine and anthocyanins.

In 2004 an animal study found that hibiscus flower had the same health benefits as red wine and tea.

That same year a human study confirmed that hibiscus is effective at lowering blood pressure in people suffering from hypertension. Further studies have shown that hibiscus acts like an ACE inhibitor to lower blood pressure.

Other studies have suggested that the antioxidants in hibiscus may have anti-cancer effects. In one study human gastric carcinoma (AGS) cells proved highly susceptible to hibiscus extract. Laboratory studies show antioxidant-rich hibiscus can promote leukaemia cell death as well.

Hypertension and cholesterol

Another study in 2008 found that drinking hibiscus tea can significantly reduce high blood pressure in people with type 2 diabetes. The study results showed the average systolic blood pressure for those drinking hibiscus tea decreased from 134.8 mmHg at the beginning of the study to 112.7 mmHg at the end of the study, one month later.

Though not all studies have shown a positive benefit in lowering cholesterol, many have. For instance, in 2007, a small clinical trial found that Hibiscus (6 capsules of 500mg hibiscus extract, for a total of 3000 mg each day) reduced cholesterol by up to 14.4% after just one month. In this study a lower total daily amount (1500 mg) and a higher total daily amount (4500 mg) were not as effective as the moderate dose.

In another study of 53 diabetics, mostly women, participants were given either hibiscus tea or black tea (2 cups a day for 1 month). In the group consuming hibiscus tea, there was an average 7.6% decrease in total cholesterol, an 8.0% decrease in LDL (‘unhealthy’) cholesterol, a 14.9% decrease in triglycerides and a and a 16.7% increase in HDL (‘healthy’) cholesterol.

A large study of 222 patients – some with and some without metabolic syndrome – found that a daily dose of 100 mg H. sabdariffa extract powder taken for one month reduced glucose, total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol and increased HDL cholesterol.

Animal studies have suggested that hibiscus can blood glucose relative to control, and to a similar degree as the pharmaceutical drug glibenclamide.

Safe and gentle

Hibiscus is a safe remedy to take with no proven adverse reactions or drug interactions.

Still looking into the homeopathy - abel moschus.

Derivation of Name: Abelmoschus: Arabic, abu-l-mosk, father of musk, in allusion to the smell of the seeds.



Using your own experienced modalities or engaging with the tools and resources below - assistance in consciousness stream, prompts for

Examples or your own experiences energy. If you know of natural or original intent then restore this program. If not, send blessings and healing light.


in Closing the session

Stabilise energies and release all cords. Cleanse your tools.

As we close off we request the graceful stillness of the mighty gum:

That she teach us how to ground our roots deeply and firmly-

That she show us how to stand tall with strong & clear foundations through our core being-

That our branches continue to stretch & grow in blissful focused expansion reaching for the stars-

That her leaves provide through nourishing green nature energy and, resting shade from the storms.

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