Magnolia is an ancient genus. Appearing before bees evolved, the flowers are theorized to have evolved to encourage pollination by beetles.To avoid damage from pollinating beetles, the carpels of Magnolia flowers are extremely tough. Fossilized specimens of M. acuminata have been found dating to 20 million years ago, and fossils of plants identifiably belonging to the Magnoliaceae date to 95 million years ago. Another aspect of Magnolia considered to represent an ancestral state is that the flower bud is enclosed in a bract rather than in sepals
GutBugsGoByeBye in final development stages - neutraliser being added and tested for stability on globules in both states.
HeadBugsGoByeBye in initial concept stage, similar to BugBug but with less products and stronger amounts of essence and scents, as well a conditioner for hair.
AirBugsGoByeBye in concept testing staging and moving into final product development shortly. Escalated above others due to recent weather events.
Pre Orders will open on website. Newsletters to be set up soon though I will not be spamming. Best way atm to stay uptodate is on IG and check shop out - I run quite a dynamic storefront :) and am keeping as clear and concise as possible.
Relative News
The Haiti National Trust has successfully cultivated four other native magnolia types across the island of Hispaniola, which also includes the Dominican Republic. They hope to use their experience to help local communities contribute to restoration efforts and eventually start a nursery.
Eladio Fernández, communications director for the Haiti National Trust and leader of the expedition, shared the optimism that the discovery of this once-lost species has ignited. He said: “Despite the bleak state of the country’s degraded forests, it still harbours species like this that are found nowhere else in the world, giving us the opportunity to save them.”
Current Energies
Strength. Devil. Hermit. Lovers - without tapping into the grid, observe those characteristics in the energy of today for dynamic and highest transformative energies.
Beautiful shares from my sisters garden she planted with our mother <3
Okay let's get into it. To open the session I invite you to recite the following on your own or read along below.
Calling in Mother Earth and Grandmothers Wisdom, as well as the true elementals in their purest forms to help support, guide, assist and help in allowing the pure essence of this plant to come through now in its truest & greatest form. To allow us to learn and clear, walking and sitting with her and in turn allowing her to be free from potential constraints she herself may be under. Together we ask for forgiveness and love, while we too forgive and love. We are thankful and appreciate all her gifts & teachings with any messages that may come forth for us today.
Primary general intents are:
to clear out unnecessary energies within appropriate clearance levels
work with the truest and purest forms of energy essence available
>>>in frequency flow healing hints&tips are in-text like this<<<
The name Magnolia is of Latin origin and means "a flower."
FrenchMagnol + -ia. Named after French botanist Pierre Magnol (1638–1715). The surname is a form of the male given name Magne, from Latin magnus.
Magnus effect noun : the sideways thrust on a rotating cylinder placed with its axis perpendicular to a current of air which has been utilized to propel ships and in aviation as a lift. rotor ship. rotor cuff. maritime link to next point...
Many a Viking and many a modern-day Scandinavian go by this name. Its original translation means 'great', which sheds light on why there are so many kings named Magnus.
There is a basic level of assumed knowledge when approaching these. If you are not sure what I am referring to please contact me for personal session to work through knowledge and potential blocks to gaining access. Alternatively there is tonnes of research out there you can peruse also.
Magnusson rising around MidNight in the Southern Hemisphere atm 26.10.22
Magnusson, or Magnússon, is a surname of Scandinavian origin, meaning son of Magnus.
In the early Cretaceous, many of the southern continents were still joined together as part of the southern landmass called Gondwana. [note similar call out from Fagus Beech, endemic to Tasmania traced back to Gondwana]. The Cretaceous is a geological period that lasted from about 145 to 66 million years ago (Mya). Echidna evolved from the platypus as the first Australian land mammal evolution, around 50million years ago. My Grandmother Totem; the Echidna's medicine is very special.
healing characteristics of plant.
other resources and sources that you may find useful and or supportive.
Using your own experienced modalities or engaging with the tools and resources below - assistance in consciousness stream, prompts for
Examples or your own experiences energy. If you know of natural or original intent then restore this program. If not, send blessings and healing light.
in Closing the session
Stabilise energies and release all cords. Cleanse your tools.
As we close off we request the graceful stillness of the mighty gum:
That she teach us how to ground our roots deeply and firmly-
That she show us how to stand tall with strong & clear foundations through our core being-
That our branches continue to stretch & grow in blissful focused expansion reaching for the stars-
That her leaves provide through nourishing green nature energy and, resting shade from the storms.